The Republican Youth Conference dedicated to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi to be heldThe Republican Youth Conference dedicated to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi to be heldMay 20, 2021 | 16:49On October 7, 2021, the Republican Youth Conference dedicated to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi will be organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi o
ED 1.31 The meeting of the Seminar Council under the Dissertation Council to be heldED 1.31 The meeting of the Seminar Council under the Dissertation Council to be heldMay 18, 2021 | 02:18May 20, 2021 at 13:00 Text Studies; Development of ancient manuscripts on spiritual and cultural heritage (translation, research and preparation for publication) - a seminar discussion on the topic of the dissertation submitted for the degree of Doct
ED 1.31 Dissertation Council will hold the defense of the dissertation by Narmin Nizamaddin gizi AliyevaED 1.31 Dissertation Council will hold the defense of the dissertation by Narmin Nizamaddin gizi AliyevaMay 18, 2021 | 15:34On May 25, 2021 at 14:00 will be held the defense of the dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in World Literature (Iranian Literature) - 5718.01. Plaintiff: Narmin Nizameddin gizi Aliyeva Scientific adviser: Academician Rafae
National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature is going to organize an online tourNational Museum of Azerbaijan Literature is going to organize an online tourMay 17, 2021 | 05:42On May 18, an online excursion on the occasion of May 18 - International Museum Day will be held live on at 14:00 on the official Facebook page of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS. We invite museum lover
Next broadcasting of the “Akhsham gorushleri” (Evening Meetings) to be dedicated to tar performer Elkhan MuzaffarovNext broadcasting of the “Akhsham gorushleri” (Evening Meetings) to be dedicated to tar performer Elkhan MuzaffarovMay 01, 2021 | 09:59The program "Evening Meetings", which will be broadcast on Azerbaijan Radio on FM 105 on May 2 at 22:00, will be dedicated to tar player Elkhan Muzaffarov. The presenter of the program is the director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature n
ED 1.31 Dissertation Council will hold the defense of the dissertation by Tarana Khanlar gizi RustamovaED 1.31 Dissertation Council will hold the defense of the dissertation by Tarana Khanlar gizi RustamovaApr 28, 2021 | 11:49On May 5, 2021 at 14:00 will be the defense of the dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Literary Theory, Literary Analysis and Criticism - 5715.01. Plaintiff: Tarana Khanlar gizi Rustamova Scientific adviser: Academician R
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