Presentation ceremony of Concept of the National Terminology Information System and the web-portal + Photo Nov 25, 2016 | 17:18 / Conferences, assemblies

In modern times, the key factor, defining statehood of each country is a national language. Regulation, systematization and development of national terminology is of great importance in progress of social function of the state language. 

After having status of state language, Azerbaijani language which had a long history, has gained even more social value, and ensuring the protection and efficiency of it became one of the priorities of modern state-building in the country. Establishment of Terminology Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers by the order of Mr. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 23, 2012, has increased the responsibility for terminology.

In recent years, significant changes and development in various fields of science and technology led to the enrichment of the individual subject areas of language, and terminology databases. Growth and spread of world’s science and education centers engaged with terminology, development dynamics of various fields of science and technology and other factors made necessary to create information system, ensuring structuring of terms in a single center, their collection, processing and usage.

President Ilham Aliyev's decree dated April 9, 2013 on “Using Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of globalization and development of linguistics in the country" State Program has set important tasks forth relevant agencies. Related to the items concerning learning and the promotion of information and communication technologies, purposeful work was conducted at the Institute of Information Technology (ANAS ICT) as well as at other organizations. Institute's scientists and experts have developed the Concept of the National Terminology Information System (NTIS) and the web-portal.

On November 25, Institute of Information Technology hosted for the presentation of Concept of the National Terminology Information System (NTIS) and the web-portal. The event brought together chiefs of relevant governmental bodies, scientists and specialists of ANAS institutes, including delegates of mass media.

Opening the event President of ANAS Academician Akif Alizadeh highlighted the language as one of the vital attributes of the state, embracing people and the country's identity, culture and psychological characteristics.

Academician brought to mind that, state policy on the language preservation and development, which implemented in the country, was laid by national leader Heydar Aliyev. Thanks to will and far-sighted policy of the great leader, language was given the status of state language, government agencies and other enterprises, institutions and organizations launch the implementation of the Azerbaijani language. New stage of development of this policy is successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, which provided him with a special focus on diverse factors, he said.

A.Alizadeh underlined the establishment of the National Terminology Information System of international requirements and standards, is a result of long-term strenuous intellectual labor of State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent and activities of scientists and experts of the Institute of Information Technology.

"Operating at a high level, National Terminology Information System will improve regularly and prosper”, - said the academician and expressed hope to service of the system for Azerbaijani people and state over many years.

The chairman of State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent Ramiz Hasanov reported at the event and noted that, joint action related to provision of science, economy and industry with science in Azerbaijan, protection of rights on real economic benefits aimed at the scientific results and strengthen the scientific-technical sides of standardization is of great importance.

According to R.Hasanov, standardization of terminology increases the quality of normative-technical documentation, educational and information documents and facilitates understanding between experts in different areas of knowledge and work of the interpreters.

Development of terminology attaches great importance in an international practice, thus, "Terminology" Technical Committee operates under International Standardization Organization, said committee chairman. He said that within the framework of the Technical Committee 46 international standard terminology were adopted in various spheres, and currently 27 are working on a project of international standard.

Notifying the significance of terminology system, which has been developed by State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent with ANAS, the supreme scientific body of the Republic of Azerbaijan, implementing state policy in the field of science, R.Hasanov stated its contribution to formation and development of terminology base of Azerbaijani language. As a continuation of cooperation via Academy he noted the necessity of creation Technical Committee due to elaborate national standards on terminology and other scientific fields.

Committee Chairman expressed his gratitude to ANAS President Acad. Akif Alizadeh and scientists for cooperation.

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