In the modern period, increasing the efficiency of management and ongoing research projects in institutions of ANAS, the restructuring of research activities using ICT and to coordinate activities of agencies are the most pressing issues.
From this point of view, a large value has scientific - computer network (SCN) AzScienceNet, ensuring the integration of institutions and organizations of ANAS Internet services in the world of science and serve as the national operator for scientific and educational networks.
Taking into account the present possibilities of AzScienceNet, in the Resolution of ANAS Presidium "About Strengthening of Activity of Scientific and Computer Network AzScienceNet" dated December 14, 2016 has been noted importance of holding scientific and practical seminars about activity of network for the relevant staff of scientific institutions and ANAS organizations.
For this purpose on January 31 at ANAS Institute of Information Technology carried out the Republican scientific and practical seminar on "Existing State, Opportunities and the Prospects of Development of AzScienceNet".
The event was held to ensure more effective use of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, the services and facilities of AzScienceNet, including Multimedia gallery, attended by responsible persons of research institutes and organizations of ANAS and the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of ICT.
Opening the event , Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that, the workshop serves the tasks arising from the "Azerbaijan 2020: Look into the Future: The concept of the Information Society" and "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan Republic for 2014-2020 ".
He said that, in the action plan reflected the concepts and strategies also find questions to empower SCN AzScienceNet.
Noting that, at the present time as a result of the work done to expand the technical capabilities AzScienceNet, network AzScienceNet about 6,500 computer equipment scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS R.Alguliyev reported that 97 percent of users used broadband Internet.
He noted that, on October 18, 2016 to increase the number of network services to the new Center for Internet services AzScienceNet was established provider of broadband Internet services for about 4,000 employees of Academic campus and equipped with software.
Stressing that, the AzScienceNet has great potential for the integration of science and education, R.Alguliyev noted that, in this area between ANAS and the Ministry of Education established business cooperation. According to the scientist, along with research institutions of ANAS educational establishments may also take advantage of services and AzScienceNet Data-center.
Next, Deputy Director of the Institute on technology PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov spoke on "Infrastructure networks and services AzScienceNet».
Presenting the the governance structure, the scientist said that, by AzScienceNet, consisting of DATA-centers, centers of Internet services, Network Security and AzScienceCERT, to employees of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS are provaided Wi-Fi services, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage, cluster computing, Hostinq, Eduroam, İP telephone, e-libraries, distance learning, etc.
He has also presented dynamics of annual development of speed of AzScienceNet Internet connection and has brought to attention that the speed of connection to the Internet makes 1,41 Gbit / with, computing power – 17 Tflops, and the volume of external memory – 400 T/byte.
Chief department of the institute, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev made a presentation on the topic "Implementation of the international information security standards in AzScienceNet network". Noting that information security is of great importance for AzScienceNet and its partner organizations, Y.Imamverdiyev stressed that security at the current stage of rapid development of information technology, including cyber-attack technology is one of the challenges.
The speaker then informed members of the ISO / IEC 27x family of standards for information security and brought to the attention that the standards, which are considered the most relevant in the world, in our country are accepted as national standards.
Senior Researcher of the Institute, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Ramiz Shikhaliyev made a presentation on "Issues of formation of the network usage policy AzScienceNet”. Stressing that AzScienceNet network is indispensable in terms of providing access to Internet resources and online services means for scientific research, the speaker talked about the importance of ensuring the availability and efficient use of networks of scientists and experts of the country. Noting that for this purpose in AzScienceNet network user policy is applied, R.Shikhaliyev informed about the main features of this policy.
He stressed the importance of adhering to the principles, norms and instruments of the Constitution and existing law, including international law. Also touched on issues of security when using network resources, problems arising from the inefficient use of network infrastructure.
Chief department of the Institute Tahmasib Fataliyev presented a paper on "The Role and Prospects AzScienceNet network in the formation of e-science." He informed about the e-government implemented in the construction of successful reforms and regulatory instruments aimed at the formation of a unified national scientific infrastructure and online information space in the country.
T.Fataliyev also noted that one of the main objectives of e-science is the formation of computing and network infrastructure.
The speaker also spoke about the formation, the development of information support of science within the framework of e-science, as well as the measures undertaken in the field of organization and management of research activities using scientometric technologies.
Made a report on cooperation AzScienceNet network via scientific and educational network in Europe (GEANT) chief department of the institute, PhD in Engineering, Vugar Musayev spoke about the work done in the direction AzScienceNet integration into the international scientific environment. He noted that for this purpose the Institute of Information Technology joined the e-infrastructure - GEANT project, which provides services to all scientific and educational institutions in Europe.
Section head of the Institute Kamala Hashimova presented a report on "Information system Multimedia Gallery on the platform of the data center," and noted that placed in the NCC Data Center AzScienceNet gallery in a structured form reflects the photo and video materials from the official meetings of the Presidium of ANAS and activities of ANAS.
According to her, the materials prepared by the staff of the official portal of ANAS, ElmTV and Institute’s site, including archives, video, photo and audio materials of institutions and organizations of the Academy regularly entered in the Multimedia Gallery database.
The event also heard reports by Administrator Data-center Tural Mustafayev "Network Services AzScienceNet - Cloud and Eduroam”, sector head of the institute Babek Nabiyev "Opportunities for security and monitoring services on the network AzScienceNet” and the system administrator AzScienceNet Samad Dursunov "System e-mail AzScienceNet network: problems and solutions".
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