Smuglevichus hall of the Vilnius University library held presentation of the bulk of selected works by the outstanding representative of the Azerbaijani classical literature Mirza Jalil Mammadguluzadeh "Anxiety" translated into Lithuanian by the initiative of ANAS Vice-President, Academician Isa Habibbeyli and by the support of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Lithuania.
The event was attended by member of ANAS Presidium, Academician-Secretaryof ANAS, Academician Teymur Kerimli, President of Academy of Sciences of Lithuania Valdemaras Razumas, rector of the Vilnius University Arturas Zukauskas, head of the Lithuanian Seimas Committee on Human Rights, chairman of the interparliamentary group for relations with Azerbaijan Valerius Simulik, Deputy chairmen Mantas Adomenas and Kestutis Masiulis, well-known public figures of Lithuania, the faculty of the university, the representative of mass media.
Opening the event, one of the translators of the book, chairman of the Society of Azerbaijanians in Lithuania Mahir Gamzayev spoke about the life and work of Azerbaijani writer, journalist and public figure Mirza Jalil Mammadguluzadeh.
Azerbaijani Ambassador to Lithuania Hasan Mammadzade noted in his speech that one of the activities of the embassy is the establishment of cultural ties between the countries. The diplomat drew attention to the fact that the embassy with great satisfaction joined the initiative of Academician Isa Habibbayli, and today's event opens a new page in bilateral Azerbaijani-Lithuanian relations.
The rector of Vilnius University Arturas Zhukauskas expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the presentation of the collection of works of the classics of Azerbaijani literature of the twentieth century, J. Mamedguluzade, takes place at the university he leads.
Azerbaijani Ambassador to Lithuania Hasan Mammadzadeh noted in his speech that one of the activities of the embassy is the establishment of cultural ties between the countries. The diplomat drew attention to the fact that the embassy with great satisfaction joined the initiative of Academician Isa Habibbayli and today's event opens a new page in bilateral Azerbaijani-Lithuanian relations.
The rector of Vilnius University Arturas Zhukauskas expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the presentation of the collection of works of the classics of Azerbaijani literature of the XX century J. Mammadguluzadeh held at the university lead by him.
Director of the university library Irina Kriviene said that, presentation of the collection of works by J. Mammadzadeh is taking place within the walls of the library, which has a 450-year history. It is gratifying that the collection of works of the classics of Azerbaijani literature was added to the collection of the library, where manuscripts are collected, books of various peoples.
A member of the Presidium of ANAS, Academician-Secretary of the Academy of Arts, Academician Teymur Kerimli said that, despite the fact that he is in Vilnius for the first time, he feels himself in the circle of his relatives.
T. Kerimli spoke about the history and formation of Azerbaijani literature, noting its ancient and rich traditions. Academician brought to attention that Nizami Ganjavi, Muhammad Fizuli, Mirza Fatali Akhundzade and other great representatives of Azerbaijani literature enriched the cultural treasury of world culture.
T.Kerimli said that, outstanding satirist writer, educator Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, displaying in his works universal values, served not only the Azerbaijani people, but also the peoples of the world. The academician stressed that while in this world there is injustice and cruelty, there will be an urgent need for works by such writers as J.Mammadguluzadeh.
In conclusion, one of the interpreters of the book, Mahir Gamzayev, spoke about the history of Azerbaijani-Lithuanian relations, in particular in the sphere of literature and culture, and read in Lithuanian a small feuilleton by J.Mammadguluzadeh "Halva".
The presentation of the book was brocasted on Lithuanian TV channels, on the websites of leading news agencies and Internet portals there are articles on the book.
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