At the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS, which was held on April 19, the results of the contest for the "Gold Medal named after Nizami Ganjavi" were announced.
President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizade noted that the right to reward the above-mentioned medal was given to the Academy by the Decree of the Head of State of June 27, 2014. The academician said that the submissions about the scientists, whose nominee was nominated for participation in the contest, and the relevant documents were submitted to the Expert Committee: "At the final meeting of the commission this year, nominees were selected to receive a gold medal, after which the relevant feedback was presented to the Presidium."
According to the results of the contest, the "Gold Medal named after Nizami Ganjavi" was awarded corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Pashayeva - for her special services in the creation of Scientific Center of Azerbaijan and Caucasus named after Nizami Ganjavi at the Oxford University, which is an important international project in the field of science and education and Professor Robert Hoyland for his special support for scientific study of Azerbaijan's cultural and historical heritage on a global scale.
The Presidium adopted a resolution on awarding the above-named scientists with a medal and handing each of them a cash prize of 10,000 manat.
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