At the end of April and the beginning of May of the current year by the initiative of the ANAS leadership for further improvement of work on the organization of examinations in the Educational and Innovative Center (EIC) of the Institute of information Technology for the staff of Departments of formation of ANAS scientific institutions the training on operation of "Electronic test system" has been provided. 55 employees from 28 ANAS scientific institutions have participated in training. Knowledge of the persons participating in training has been estimated on the basis of examination. 41 persons have successfully passed examinations.
Today, the Institute of Information Technologies held an event to provide certificates to participants who successfully completed the training.
Opening the event, Deputy Director of the Institute for Technology, Ph.D in technology, associate professor Rashid Alekperov said that, the test technologies widely used at the present time in the educational process are of great importance from the point of view of ensuring transparency of the examination process and more objective assessment of the knowledge of the exam participants...
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