ANAS held a meeting in connection with the implementation of Nizami project of the European Union and preparation for the new academician year on September 8.
Event attended Head of ANAS Office of Science and Education organized by ANAS Department of Science and Education of the Presidium.
ANAS Correspondent member Aminaga Sadigov informed on Nizami project of the European Union.
He noted that, many universities of Azerbaijan are participating in this project. The main goal of the project is to bring the doctoral studies in Azerbaijan in line with the European standards, improving and enriching it in terms of structure, content and ideas.
He noted that, this project, which is of great importance from the point of view of science integrating and education, is implemented with the financial support of the European Commission.
According to him, one of the items included in the resolution of the event was due to the increased attention to the implementation of this project and the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the scientific institutions of ANAS.
A.Sadigov also reported on the creation of a national portal in order to obtain full information about doctoral students and dissertators: "Here, researchers will be able to get acquainted with the entrance exams, select a scientific leader and get other important information."
Further, Deputy Head of ANAS Office of Science and Education, Ph.D in engineering Huseyn Huseynov, emphasized the relevance of the integration of science and education at the modern level.
Then, he informed about the changes made to the rules for admission to doctoral studies and dissertations and planned places, as well as requirements in connection with the implementation of the curriculum. He noted that, during the reception of documents for doctoral studies should be taken into account the scientific and pedagogical experience, the master's education of the researcher.
In conclusion, an exchange of views took place on the implementation of the project.
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