On October 3, the ANAS Institute of Dendrology hosted a literary-musical event dedicated to the 122nd anniversary of the prominent Russian poet Sergey Yesenin.
The event, organized by the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature of ANAS, was attended by employees of the Azerbaijani-Russian Literary Relations Center "Sergey Yesenin", representatives of public organizations, secondary school pupils and journalists.
Nazaket Ibadova, the employee of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature, spoke about the rich creative work of prominent Russian poet S. Yesenin. He said that the outstanding poet lived only 70 days in Mardakan settlement of Baku. In spite of this short period of time, the Azerbaijani people always treated him with respect and made a museum of the poet's home. His love for Baku was reflected in the work of the writer. The poet's poems "Iranian songs", "Goodbye Baku", "Balakhani May", etc. were written in Azerbaijan. His works are the most valuable pearls of his poetry.
Head of the Azerbaijani-Russian Cooperation Office, Valentin Denisov, made a speech, emphasizing Sergey Yesenin's contribution to the strengthening of cultural relations between Russia and Azerbaijan, and spoke about the poet's creative activity in Baku.
"Yesenin wrote more than 50 verses and two poems in Baku" he noted. He praised the anniversary of the poet's birthday in Azerbaijan on October 3 every year.
Pro-rector of Khazar University, PhD on pedagogical sciences Isakhan Isakhanli, secretary of Baku and Azerbaijan Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church Mefodiy Afandiyev, publicist Reyhan Mirzazade and others spoke about the difficult path of the poet and said that his simple poetry poems correspond to the taste of every generation .
In the literary and artistic part of the event, samples of poet's works were presented, songs composed in their words were performed.
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