Event, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the master of art reading, the famous actor, People's Artist Mikail Mirza was held at the Azerbaijan State Academic National Drama Theater
At the evening, organized by the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was opened by Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature, Academician Rafael Huseynov, who spoke about the life of the master, shared his memories of him. He said that the famous master, who in a natural, convincing manner, conveyed his roles to the audience, had a peculiar emotional manner of performance. He created memorable images in the feature films produced in the film studio "Azerbaijanfilm" and dozens of dramatic works. Mikail Mirza masterfully performed roles: Kurd Musa (Vagif), Farhad (Farhad and Shirin), Muratov (Strange Boy), Eyvaz (Our Strange Fate), Aslan (Village Girl), Zahid Vopl ", Elkhan (" The Bride of Fire "), Ginli Mustafa (" The Congregation of the Madmen "), Ikhtiyar ("Iblis").
Academician R.Huseynov noted that Mikail Mirza also maintained close contact with the main edition of the literary and drama programs of the Azerbaijan State Television. In the 80-ies of the last century, it was on his initiative in the Azerbaijani television space that the program "Theater of one actor" appeared on the screen.
At the event, the deputy of the Milli Majlis, Chairman of the Aksakal Council of the Republic Fattah Heydarov, the People's Artist Nureddin Mehdikhanli, the Honored Artist Rais Rasulzade and others spoke about the life and work of the outstanding master.
In conclusion, son of the late actor, Metin Mirza, speaking on behalf of the family, thanked the organizers for respecting his father's blessed memory.
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