On December 25, the General Meeting of the Humanitarian Sciences Division of ANAS was held. The event was attended by members of the department, heads of scientific institutions, scientific secretaries and related persons.
Opening the meeting, academician Isa Habibbeyli, Vice-President of ANAS, familiarized the participants with the issues on the agenda.
First, scientific-organizational issues were discussed. The academic secretary of the department, academician Teymur Karimli, recalled that the Presidium's decision on the results of the scientific research works carried out in the scientific institutions of ANAS on October 11, 2017, will be followed by annual reports of relevant scientific institutions. In reporting year, 83 sections of 33 problems were investigated in 186 phases of 363 cases. At the end of the year, 109 phases of the 122 works were completed and 8 republican and 4 international events were held by scientific institutions of the academic unit. This year 7 books were published abroad, including 129 monographs, 8 monographs. In 2017, 24 articles in have been published in high impact factor journals, the scientist lined out.
Later presented the reports of institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, Linguistics named after Nasimi, Manuscripts, Folklore, Architecture and Art Institute and Huseyn Javid's House Museum.
After the reports were listened, discussions were held and ideas were sounded. The Department has decided that the reports should be considered satisfactory and submitted to the Presidency Board.
The next issue on the agenda was related to the execution of the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Approval of the Statute on the Prize of the Presidium of ANAS for the Effective Activity in Science Promotion". Academician Teymur Karimli said that in recent years, a number of scientific works have been published that serve to popularize science in institutions and organizations.
Aghahuseyn Shukurov, PhD in Philology, has been appointed as Coordinator of the Encyclopedic Multimedia “Atalar mirasi”.
At the end a number of personnel issues were considered.
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