On February 21, Central Scientific Library hosted the entrance exams for PhD in 2017-2018 for scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS. The president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh and the exam commission were familiarized with the course of examination. The chairman of the commission is Corresponding member of ANAS Bakhtiyar Aliyev, members - PhDs of philosophy Abulhasan Abbasov, Farman Ismayilov.
Academician Akif Alizadeh first met with scientific researchers and wished them success in the exam. The scientist expressed confidence that these young people will become highly qualified specialists of ANAS in the future. He advised each of them to use the scientific environment and said they were always ready to support them.
It should be noted that admission exams for the doctoral candidacy were held on the basis of test technologies in the centralized order of ANAS. In the current year, 115 places have been allocated for the doctorate in philosophy. Totally 187 people participated in the examinations in 19-21 February, 2018.
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