"The founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) are such great personalities, the memory of which by future generations should be remembered with deep respect. The Republic created by them and the won independence became the greatest achievement of our people throughout all period of its existence. If the Republic were not formed, we would continue to exist as a separate state within the Soviet Union. And after the fall of the Soviet Union, we could not become an independent republic. Today we are grateful to these individuals for the existence of our state. Each of them is a historical person. And there is a great need to study and popularize each of them separately".
These words were made by the director of the National museum of Azerbaijani literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, academician Rafael Huseynov.
Academician R.Huseynov stressed the importance of creating a memorable complex in Baku to perpetuate the memory of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. He noted that artistic and documentary films should be made, art works and textbooks dedicated to the founders of the Republic should be written to promote the heroic deeds of these great personalities. This is important not only from the point of view of popularization of these personalities among the people, but also for national construction.
The scientist also stressed the importance of creating a separate Republican park to perpetuate the memory of the founders of the Republic. He said that this step will preserve the eternal memory of the figures of the Republic.
R.Huseynov recalled that, the graves of some of the founders of the republic are outside Azerbaijan: "I believe that, these graves should not be affected. However, in connection with them, a memorial must be created. Historical and cultural places such as the Republican garden or park should be built not only in Baku, but throughout Azerbaijan. They give us an opportunity not only to rest, but also not to forget that we are citizens of an independent state that has its own anthem and flag".
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