On September 13, the final meeting of the Orthographic Commission of the Presidium of ANAS was held.
Chairman of the meeting, President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh noted that, up to now the press has covered about 300 articles related to spelling problems. He said that, the Azerbaijani public shared their thoughts on new spelling rules, and they were taken into consideration.
Vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that, the Working Group of the Orthographic Commission carefully considered the process of discussion: "Statistical information is extremely objective. The spelling was discussed at a free level, the public shared their opinions, "and when approving the new rules of spelling, the processes taking place in the language, the comments of specialists, and the correspondence to the language itself were taken into account.
Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, academician Mohsun Nagysoylu said that, 15 well-known linguists are represented in the Working Group of the Commission, 7 meetings of the Working Group were held, issues related to spelling in the press were discussed and materials were collected.
Academician Rafael Huseynov, Kamal Abdullayev, Professors Nazim Imanov, Sayyaly Sadigova, Ismail Mammadli and Buludkhan Khalilov shared their views on the topic of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, the following two articles were not adopted:
- Article 34: The omission of one of the double y in the endings of Arabic origin - iyyat, -iyyət and -iyyə
Existing option: ədəbiyyat, riyaziyyat, davamiyyət, etc.
Proposed option: ədəbiyat, riyaziyat, mədəniyət, davamiyət, cərahiyə, maliyə, etc.
- The omission of one letter of one of the double m in foreign words of European origin
The existing version: qrammatika, kommersiya, kommutator, kommensal, kommentari, kommentator, kommersant, simmetriya, kommunist, meqommetr, lemma (mat.), Lemminq (-y) (zool.) etc.
The proposed variant: qramatika, komersiya, komutator, komensal, komentari, komentator, komersant, simetriya, komunist, meqometr, lema (mat.), Leminq (-y) (zool.), Etc.
The adopted new articles are as follows:
- Article 31: The omission of one of the double consonants s in foreign words of European origin.
Existing option: ssenari, ssuda.
Proposed option: senari, suda.
- Article 33: The omission of one of the double consonants s at the end of foreign words of European origin.
Existing option: boss, brass, ekspress, stress, trass, etc.
Proposed option: bos, bras, ekspres, stres, tras, etc.
- Rules for attaching special prefixes to nouns - Anti ... and morphemes - trans ..., - proto ... When combining this prefix and morphemes to special nouns, they are separated by a hyphen, and the noun is spelled with a capital letter.
The proposed variant: anti-Rusiya, trans-Asiya, trans-Avropa, trans-Avrasiya, trans-Qafqaz, proto-Azərbaycan and others.
- Note of Article 40: When combining morphemes - Qeyri ... and - ümum ... to special nouns, they are separated by a hyphen, and the noun is spelled with a capital letter.
Proposed option: qeyri-Avropa, ümum-Azərbaycan, ümum-Avropa, ümum-Bakı, ümum-Rusiya, etc.
In complicated phrases like Azərbaycan Respublikasının Kənd Təsərrüfatı naziri (Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan), Azərbaycan Respublikasının Səhiyyə naziri (Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan), the word indicating the scope of activity (Səhiyyə) is written with a capital letter, and the word indicating the position (nazir) is written with a capital letter.
In complex word combinations, where there are words lisey, gimnaziya, vəqf, məktəb, fakültə, şöbə, the first word is written with a capital letter, and then with a capital letter:
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