The memorial evening of great educator, scientist, talented writer Mir Jalal Pashayev was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS on October 31. Within the event Mir Jalal Pashayev's book “Fuzuli’s art”, as well as Mir Jalal Pashayev and Firidun Huseynov's fourth edition of the “20th century Azerbaijani Literature” textbook was presented.
Director of the museum, academician Rafael Huseynov spoke about the invaluable position of Mir Jalal Pashayev as a writer in the history of Azerbaijan literature and valuable contributions to our science as literary scholar. He praised the celebration of the jubilee ceremony dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the writer throughout the country as a manifestation of care and attention to the creativity of the great artist, his literary heritage.
It was noted that Professor Mir Jalal Pashayev's simple, fluent language, unique creative style, the way of approaching people and events was a clear approach. The novel "Manifesto of a young man" takes a special place in the writer's creative work.
Then, academician Akif Alizadeh, president of ANAS, shared his thoughts on Mir Jalal Pashayev's life and activity. He said that this great personality gained not only his literary creativity, but his deep affection and love with his kind deeds and humanity. Sharing his memories of Mir Jalal during his youth, head of ANAS stressed that, members of this family have brought light to Azerbaijan today, and they are propagating our country in the world.
Speaking at the event, People's Writer Elchin emphasized that Mir Jalal Pashayev, a rich, meaningful, respected teacher, scientist and writer, had an effective scientific and pedagogical activity. Mir Jalal was a happy man, both a father, a teacher, and a literary critic. At the same time, he was a very happy writer. The spiritual world of Mir Jalal was magnificent, his creativity, and the benevolence within him was magnificent.
Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, corresponding member of ANAS, Mir Jalal’s studet, Tahsin Mutallimov and Khayirulla Aliyev, daughter of Feyzulla Gasimzadeh Nigar Gasimzadeh, daughter of Hamid Arasli, correspondent member of ANAS Nushabe Arasli, employee of Azerbaijan National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature, Jamshud Muradov, professor Abdulla Abbasov delivered speeches on famous writer Mir Jalal Pashayev and noted that his glorious lifestyle was a worthy example for the generations.
Finally, the son of the scientist, Rector of the ADA University, Professor Hafiz Pashayev thanked participants for respect to his father's creative activity.
Hafiz Pashayev also shared his memories of his father.
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