Researcher scientist Haji Soltan Alizadeh's 60th anniversary was celebrated Dec 24, 2018 | 09:43 / Jubilees

The 60th anniversary of scientist Haji Sultan Alizadeh, a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists, was co-organized by the Khazar branch of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan and Ruhulla Akhundov House of Culture located in Buzovna settlement.

First, a short film about the life and creativity of the jubilee was demonstrated. 

Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, director of National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature of ANAS, academician Rafael Huseynov, doctor of philological sciences Asif Rustamli, honored artist Rafael Muradov, doctor of philological sciences Firudin Kurbansoy and others spoke about the multifaceted activity of research scientist and said that he is a rich person.
Literary-artistic night continued with an artistic part.

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