Scientific Council on Philological Problems held the next meeting under the chairmanship of academician Rafael Huseynov at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi.
At the meeting were discussed totally 29 dissertations – 6 on training program for doctors of science, 23 on training program for PhD. In total, 24 topics were approved, 6 of which were changed.
During the discussions, Deputy Chairman of the Board, prof. Asker Rasulov, council secretary, Professor Aida Gasimova, members of the council - Doctors of Philology, Professor Jalil Nagiyev, Bedirkhan Ahmadov, Seyfaddin Rzasoy, Fahraddin Veiselli, Shafag Alibeyli, Gulu Maharramli and others made their remarks and proposals.
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