On November 13, a meeting with heads of educational departments of scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy in the main building of ANAS was held.
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current state of the educational process at the academy and preparations for the next spring semester.
The event was opened by the chief of the Head Office of Science and Education, PhD in Economy Fail Kazimov who informed about organization of science in ANAS, scientific-technical base of the enterprises, education programs, staff capacity, appropriation of educational infrastructure to the adopted state education standarts and other normative legal acts. Stressing out the imporvment of efficient activity in ANAS in this realm, F. Kazimov reminded decision of the Presidium dated October 16, 2019 "On improving the educational process in the magistracy".
In addition, state-of-the-art of doctoral education in ANAS was discussed at the meeting.
At the end of the meeting participants' questions regarding the current educational process were responded.
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