By order of the chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Professor Famil Mustafayev, dated December 19, 2019, Dissertation Council for the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the field of philological sciences with registration number ED 1.31 was created at the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi.
The chairman of the council was appointed director of the museu, academician Rafael Huseynov, deputy chairman - Doctor of philological sciences, professor Rahila Geybullayeva, scientific secretary - Doctor of philological sciences, Professor Tofig Malikov. The dissertation council includes outstanding scientists of the republic.
On January 14, the first meeting of the newly created Dissertation Council was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature.
At the event, Academician R. Huseynov noted that significant progress has been made recently in the field of the humanities. He brought to the attention that the dissertation council will defend dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in the specialties - 5715.01 - Theory of Literature, Literary Analysis and Criticism, 571601 - Azerbaijani Literature, 571801 - World Literature (Iranian literature), 572101 - Textology; development of ancient manuscripts about the spiritual and cultural heritage (translation, research and preparation for publication).
The Chairman of the Council emphasized the importance of conducting research in the priority areas of the humanities, expanding the range of topics and adapting new research to the requirements of modern world science.
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