On January 22, a regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held.
In advance, President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev handed over the anniversary medals of the Republic of Azerbaijan “100th anniversary of Baku State University (1919-2019)” to the director of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammed Fuzuli of ANAS academician Teymur Karimli, director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS academician Mohsun Naghisoylu, director of the Institute of Folklore academician Mukhtar Imanov and director of the Institute of Architecture and Art of ANAS corresponding member of ANAS Ertegin Salamzadeh.
Opening the event President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that today would be listened reports on the results of scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Humanities of ANAS and Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS in 2019.
First vice-president of ANAS academician Isa Habibbayli spoke about the scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Humanities of ANAS. Saying that on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Imadaddin Nasimi, last year was declared by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “Year of Nasimi”, which is a clear evidence of the attention and care that are given to the country of humanitarian thought and literature, academician Isa Habibbayli noted that in order to promote the work of the brilliant poet, who occupies a worthy place in the treasury of the cultural heritage of Eastern peoples, research institutions of the Division has developed a program of action, in this area a number of significant events were carried out, in this framework scientific sessions and international conferences were held, exhibitions were organized, employees of the institutes of the Division were published, books and monographs dedicated to Nasimi's legacy were published. Stressing that Division’s institutions, together with various state organizations, ministries, higher education institutions, local and international organizations, carried out various activities, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the following works were published as part of the anniversary: collective work of the Institute of Literature - a bibliographic index, training programs, 36 books, including 16 monographs, first volume of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Nasimi's Works in the mother tongue. At the initiative and with the support of the embassies of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Bulgaria, Moldova, Serbia, presentations of books consisting of selected works of Nasimi translated into world languages. The first vice-president of ANAS also spoke about the status of work aimed at fulfilling decrees and orders of President Ilham Aliyev, and measures aimed at implementing orders signed by the head of state on the occasion of the anniversaries of prominent representatives of Azerbaijani literature and thinkers.
The report noted that in 2019, 13 dictionaries were completed covering various humanitarian fields, including the Spelling Dictionary, which is expected to be published in February of this year.
It was also emphasized that in the reporting year, 23 republican and 11 international scientific conferences, 16 anniversary events, 3 round tables were organized in the Division, which caused the revival of the scientific environment.
Speaking about the research work in the Division, academician talked about the state of electronic science and periodic placement of research materials on the institutes' websites. The report emphasized that information about the events held at the institutes, educational information resources covering the field of literary studies, etc., were posted on social networks. Having said that on the institutes' websites there is an opportunity to familiarize themselves with electronic versions of journals and submit articles online, academician also spoke about publishing. It was noted that in the reporting year, members of the Division published over 50 books, more than 300 articles, some of these works were published abroad. In 2019, DHS scientists published 188 books, 11 of which were published abroad, 102 monographs, 14 of which were published abroad, 2198 articles, 291 of which were published abroad, and 446 theses, 82 of which were published abroad. In journals with an impact factor, 42 articles of Division employees were published, more than 500 times were referred to the works of researchers. In the reporting year, textbooks were published in 15 titles.
Speaking about international relations, first vice-president of ANAS spoke about the scientific cooperation between the scientific institutions of the Division and corresponding scientific centers of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Korea and other countries. Having cited data on personnel potential, academician Isa Habibbayli said that seven active members of ANAS and six corresponding members are working in research institutions of the Division of Humanities and added that at present 246 dissenters are continuing their studies in the scientific institutions of the department.
Then, heads of the institutes of the Division spoke in detail about the important scientific results obtained in the institutions led by them.
After listening to the report, discussions were held, questions were responded. The discussions were attended by ANAS vice presidents - academicians Rasim Alguliyev and Tofig Nagiyev and academician-secretary of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Aminagha Sadigov.
Based on the proposals voiced, Presidium approved a report on the scientific-organizational activities of the DHS in 2019. It was instructed to prepare, together with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, proposals for the preparation of textbooks and study guides for the humanities, to implement stimulating measures to strengthen ties between the humanities and other scientific sectors aimed at conducting young staff with a basic education in the field of exact sciences and research in the humanitarian sphere, as well as hold literary and cultural meetings with students of the last courses of higher schools.
In the resolution, Division was also given instructions such as publishing articles related to the promotion of literature, culture and art of Azerbaijan in journals with impact factor and English-language electronic encyclopedias, expanding the participation of humanitarian workers in grant projects of leading countries of the world, providing widespread use by scientists and especially young researchers working in the humanitarian field, the capabilities of Clarivate Analytics and other international scientific databases.
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