Book donation day is a holiday that became international not only because of its global essence, but also because it came out of the people with its roots, that is, the initiative for its appearance belongs to one ordinary person - American Emmy Broadmoor - the founder of the children's book website in the United States.
In addition, Emmy Broadmoor is the mother of three children. It was the question of one of the sons, who once asked my mother - why there is no such day in the year when people give each other books just like that, and became the impetus for the birth of a new significant holiday. Addressing initially through her channels of communication to familiar bloggers, users of social networks, colleagues and partners on the site, Emmy initiated the 2012 annual Book Giving Day on February 14th.
The question of a small child, the initiative and active position of his mother was taken up by millions of people around the world, which contributed to the establishment of this holiday as an International Day.
Today, on this day, it is customary to give books, first of all, to children, as well as to those whose access to reading books for one reason or another is limited.
In recent years, Azerbaijan has also celebrated the International Book Donation Day. On the occasion of this day, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan regularly holds events to popularize reading.
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