On March 16, the first meeting of the Scientific Council of the Division of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of ANAS was held.
The event was opened by the first vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the division academician Isa Habibbayli.
In advance, a number of personnel issues were discussed. Following the discussion, Sevil Farhadova was appointed head of the department of Mugamology at the Institute of Architecture and Art, Rena Abdullayeva - head of the department of Theory of Cultural Studies and Art, Irada Kocharli - head of the department of History and Theory of Azerbaijani folk music. In addition, Naila Rahimbeyli was appointed head of the department of Musical Folklore of the Institute of Folklore, PhD in Philology Rza Khalilov - head of the department of Classical Folklore of the Institute, Doctor of Philosophy Roida Rzayeva - head of the department of Theory of Oriental studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies.
Then, scientific, organizational and current issues were considered. It was decided to submit relevant proposals to the Presidium on holding conferences and events in scientific institutions on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Nariman Narimanov and Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev, the 100th anniversary of Aziz Mirahmadov, the 100th anniversary of Ziyaddin Goyushov, the 80th anniversary of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, 70th anniversary of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammed Fizuli.
Finally, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that there is a serious need for personnel training in some specialties. He emphasized the need to allocate places in doctoral studies in the specialties of dialectology, numismatics, sociology, Turkology, etc.
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