In connection with the pandemic, the "Every other day" woring Schedule has been launched for the employees of ANAS.
This was stated by the first vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli. According to him, if all employees of the academy come to work on the same day, it will be difficult to maintain the requirement of social distance: “Therefore, we have taken such a step that employees over 60 years old at ANAS to come to work on even days of the week, while the rest of the staff to come to work on single days. In this case, it will be possible to maintain social distance in the workplace. If necessary, the management can invite employees who come to work on single days to work on even days of a week.
I.Habibbayli said that the workers will work with the "Every other day" system until the end of the special quarantine regime, ie until June 15.
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