There are important days and dates in the history of every nation that they never forget and always honor with great pride. It fell to the lot of the Azerbaijani people to celebrate the numerous days when important events took place that played a great role in the awakening and formation of the nation. One of these unforgettable dates is the publication of the swallow of the Azerbaijani press - the Ekinchi newspaper. This year marks the 145th anniversary of the creation of the newspaper. Even after centuries, at every conversation about the Azerbaijani press, the Ekinchi newspaper will always be remembered with a feeling of great love and gratitude.
On July 22, 1875, the Ekinchi newspaper rose like the Sun over the socio-political life of Azerbaijan ...
Nargiz Gahramanova, head of the Electronic Information Sector of the Department of Public Relations, Press and Information of the Office of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD student
"Khalg" newspaper, July 21, 2020