200th jubilee of Ashig Alasgar to be celebrated Feb 18, 2021 | 16:00 / Official documents

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order “On the celebration of 200th jubilee of Ashig Alasgar “.

In 2021, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ashig Alasgar, a prominent representative of the Azerbaijani art of ashug, a powerful master of words, will be celebrated.

Ashig Alasgar gave new content to the centuries-old traditions of ashug art with the highest artistic and aesthetic criteria, made incomparable contributions to the treasury of cultural riches of Azerbaijan with his works in harmony with the spirit of the people. One of the bright pages of Azerbaijani literature is the artist's deep-colored creativity, which instills love and patriotism for the native nature, combines the purity, semantic potential and unlimited possibilities of expression of our native language. Ashig Alasgar formed a school with a large number of students and had a strong influence on the famous folk poets of the future. The inclusion of Azerbaijani ashug art in the list of world intangible cultural heritage protected among universal values is also a manifestation of respect for the art of Ashug Alasgar.

An important stage in the extensive research, publication and promotion of the rich poetic heritage of Ashig Alasgar is associated with the name of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who always appreciated all the carriers of our cultural and spiritual values. The anniversaries of the artist were celebrated at the state level on the initiative of the Great Leader. A significant event took place during the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the great master of the word in our republic and abroad, a tombstone of Ashig Alasgar was erected in his native village in the ancient Goycha district, one of the ancient homes of Azerbaijanis. Although these magnificent busts were destroyed by Armenian vandals after the expulsion of our compatriots from their ancestral lands, the heritage of Ashig Alasgar, which has become an integral part of our national and cultural existence, lives on as an indelible symbol of historical memory.

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