"Tragedy of January 20 in our Motherland" scientific session heldJan 16, 2020 | 17:52 / Conferences, assembliesOn January 16, a scientific session was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature on the theme "Tragedy of January 20 in our Motherland". At the event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy, museum director academicia ...
First meeting of the newly created Dissertation Council for Philological SciencesJan 15, 2020 | 11:54 / Conferences, assembliesBy order of the chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Professor Famil Mustafayev, dated December 19, 2019, Dissertation Council for the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations in th ...
Meeting of the Presidium of ANAS made a number of vital decisionsJan 10, 2020 | 11:57 / Conferences, assembliesOn January 9, the regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held. Opening the meeting, ANAS President Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that recently, reforms in his organization have begun, covering a number of important scientific and scientific-o ...
General Meeting of ANAS was heldDec 28, 2019 | 16:36 / Conferences, assembliesOn December 28, General Meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held. The event was attended by the leadership of ANAS, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev, head Department for Humanitarian Policy, ...
Academicians Isa Habibbayli and Ibrahim Guliyev elected the first vice-presidents of ANASDec 28, 2019 | 04:34 / Conferences, assembliesThe election of the first vice-presidents of the Academy was held in the framework of the General Meeting of ANAS on December 28. According to the results of the vote, Academician Isa Habibbayli was elected the first vice-president of ANAS for the h ...