Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS presented an annual reportDec 19, 2019 | 16:11 / Conferences, assembliesOn December 19, a bureau meeting of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS was held. The event was attended by bureau members, scientific secretaries of relevant scientific institutions, etc. Opening the meeting, academician-secretary of the D ...
Literature Museum commomerated national leader Heydar AliyevDec 11, 2019 | 16:50 / Conferences, assembliesOn December 11, National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature held a scientific session dedicated to the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev on topic "Savior of our independence, founder of modern state". An exhibition reflecting life and activity ...
Scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 650th anniversary of Imadaddin NasimiDec 10, 2019 | 19:29 / Conferences, assembliesOn December 10, Icheri Sheher State Historical and Architectural Reserve has hosted a scientific- practical conference dedicated to the 650th anniversary of Imadaddin Nasimi. During the conference, a book "A Century of Nasimi Studies" was also presen ...
2nd International Scientific Conference “Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World” kicked offDec 09, 2019 | 16:36 / Conferences, assembliesOn December 9, 2nd International Scientific Conference “About Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World” was held at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS. It was dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the famous Azerbaijani poet Imadeddin Nasimi. Confer ...
Scientific Workshop at the Museum of Literature: Algorithmic Elements in Early BeliefsDec 03, 2019 | 15:02 / Conferences, assembliesThe next scientific seminar at the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS is devoted to the values of totemism and its historical trace in artistic patterns, which is a part of Azerbaijan's mythical thinking. At ...