Museum held a scientific workshop devoted to the great Turkish philosopher Abunasr Al-FarabiNov 06, 2019 | 17:07 / Conferences, assembliesScientific workshop devoted to Abunasr Al - Farabi, an outstanding representative of IX-X centuries Eastern philosophy and scientific thought, was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS. At the event, ...
The report of the Azerbaijani scientist was welcomed with interest by participantsOct 24, 2019 | 15:02 / Conferences, assembliesThe 14th international conference on “Azerbaijani and Iranian literature” was held in Urmia, Iran. The event was organized by the Urmia University and the Society for Promotion of Persian Language and Literature. Oriental scientists from Iran, Turkey ...
ANAS is established Scientific Center for the Study of the Cultural HeritageOct 17, 2019 | 11:01 / Conferences, assembliesAt today's meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the issue on establishing of the Scientific Center for the Study of the Silk Road Cultural Heritage under ANAS Presidium was considered. In his speech on this issue, ...
Next meeting of the Presidium was heldOct 17, 2019 | 10:59 / Conferences, assembliesThe next meeting of the Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held on October 16. First of all, employees of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yusif Mammadaliyev of ANAS, as well as certificates of commemoration ...
A report meeting of the Young Scientists and Specialists Council was held at the museumOct 15, 2019 | 16:21 / Conferences, assembliesToday at the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS held a report meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists. The meeting discussed the work done by the council members over the past nine months. ...
ANAS Free Trade Union discussed a number of issuesOct 14, 2019 | 15:34 / Conferences, assembliesANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics held next meeting of the Mejlis of ANAS Free Trade Union on October 14. The event was attended by the Deputy Head of ANAS Office of Administration of ANAS Sardar Aliyev, members of the Mejlis of the Trade Unio ...