The National Azerbaijan Literature Museum has issued an annual reportThe National Azerbaijan Literature Museum has issued an annual reportDec 14, 2018 | 17:07 / Conferences, assembliesThe next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS on December 14. The report on the work done in 2018 has been discussed and approved. Director of the museum, acad. ...
Scientific seminar on "Heydar Aliyev's Cultural Concept" heldScientific seminar on "Heydar Aliyev's Cultural Concept" heldDec 14, 2018 | 13:29 / Conferences, assembliesA scientific seminar on "Heydar Aliyev's cultural concept" dedicated to the national leader Heydar Aliyev's memory was held at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. Professor Jeyran Mahmudova, rector of Azerbaijan State University of C ...
Approved 18 dissertations at the meeting of the Scientific Council on Philology ProblemsApproved 18 dissertations at the meeting of the Scientific Council on Philology ProblemsDec 14, 2018 | 13:12 / Conferences, assembliesThe last 11th meeting of the Scientific Council on Philological Problems was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi. At the meeting were discussed 4 doctoral and 25 PhD themes discussed. During the discussions ...
A scientific session devoted to “The Gregorian Church as a tool of espionage against the Safavid state (XVII - the first part of the XVIII century)" book heldA scientific session devoted to “The Gregorian Church as a tool of espionage against the Safavid state (XVII - the first part of the XVIII century)" book heldDec 12, 2018 | 03:37 / Conferences, assembliesANAS National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held the event, by the participation of the museum staff and leading representatives of the scientific community of the republic. Event was devoted to a broad discussion of the recen ...
Scientific session on "Founder of modern and powerful Azerbaijan - Heydar Aliyev"Scientific session on "Founder of modern and powerful Azerbaijan - Heydar Aliyev"Dec 10, 2018 | 17:13 / Conferences, assembliesA scientific session on "Founder of modern and powerful Azerbaijan - Heydar Aliyev" was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS. The event is dedicated to the December 12 – remembrance day of national l ...
Coordination Council of ANAS professors holds the first meetingCoordination Council of ANAS professors holds the first meetingDec 04, 2018 | 11:16 / Conferences, assembliesOn December 3, the first meeting of the Coordination Council of ANAS professors has been held at the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Strengthening relations in the field of science and education is one of the main principles ...
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