Information of Spelling Commission of ANASInformation of Spelling Commission of ANASFeb 15, 2018 | 15:51 / Conferences, assembliesThe "Spelling Rules of the Azerbaijani Language" project, which is open for discussion by the ANAS Spelling Commission, has been discussed for more than two months in mass media and social networks. Simple citizens of Azerbaijan, media representative ...
Scientists are sure: Development of Azerbaijan will accelerate under the President Ilham Aliyev’s leadershipScientists are sure: Development of Azerbaijan will accelerate under the President Ilham Aliyev’s leadershipFeb 14, 2018 | 16:19 / Conferences, assembliesOn February 14, a meeting on the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held in the Main building of ANAS. The head of the Department of History and Ethnography of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, academician Teymur Buny ...
An annual report meeting of public relations departments at ANASAn annual report meeting of public relations departments at ANASFeb 13, 2018 | 16:59 / Conferences, assembliesThe reporting meeting of the public relations departments of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) has been held today. The event was organized by the Office of Public Relations and Science Popularization of ANAS. Speaking at the event,  ...
ANAS held the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaijani composer Gara GarayevANAS held the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaijani composer Gara GarayevFeb 13, 2018 | 16:55 / Conferences, assembliesBy the organizational support of the House of Scientists and the Institute of Architecture and Art of ANAS was held an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the world-famous Azerbaijani composer, People's Artist of the USSR, academician Gara Ga ...
Martyr were commemorated in high schoolMartyr were commemorated in high schoolFeb 12, 2018 | 13:16 / Conferences, assembliesAn event dedicated to Lieutenant Abu Bakr Ismailov, a crew member of the MI-24 military helicopter, awarded “Flag of Azerbaijan” after death, was held at the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski organized by Aran regional branch of the N ...
Board of Directors of scientific institutions of ANAS held a meetingBoard of Directors of scientific institutions of ANAS held a meetingFeb 09, 2018 | 13:18 / Conferences, assembliesBoard of Directors of scientific institutions of ANAS held a meeting at the Main building of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. The meeting was attended by the President of ANAS, Vice-Presidents and Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academi ...
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