President of ANAS got acquainted with the process of admission to doctoral studiesFeb 21, 2018 | 15:58 / Important eventsOn February 21, Central Scientific Library hosted the entrance exams for PhD in 2017-2018 for scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS. The president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh and the exam commission were familiarized with the cours ...
Declaration of the ANAS collective on support Ilham Aliyev's candidacy for presidential electionFeb 14, 2018 | 16:29 / Important eventsDear scientists and fellow researchers! Dear representatives of the generation of young scientists! As we know the Azerbaijan Republic has passed a responsible and nice way to the state independence, I have achieved great success. Our country holds b ...
Released the owners of the award in the field of science popularizationFeb 14, 2018 | 15:58 / Important eventsThe winners of the Presidium of ANAS have been known for their effective activity in the field of popularization of science at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Totally 22 cases were submitted by individual persons and collectives to the c ...
Ordering procedure and financings of preparation of the state awardsFeb 06, 2018 | 12:16 / Important eventsPresident of the Republic of Azerbaijan Approved by the Decree dated February 5, 2018... 1. General provision This Procedure determines the procedure for ordering and financing the preparation of packaging equipment for state awards (orders and medal ...