Employees of ANAS honored blessed memory of MartyrsJan 20, 2018 | 14:10 / Important eventsAs a sign of respect for the memory of the victims of the tragedy on January 20, ANAS Employees visited the Alley of Martyrs. Members of ANAS Presidium, heads and a group of employees of institutes and organizations took part in the ceremony organize ...
PhD exams on Informatics kicked offJan 16, 2018 | 10:10 / Important eventsANAS Institute of Information Technology launched PhD exam on Informatics for PhD students on January 15. Starting from September 2017, various training courses were organized for the PhD students at the Training Innovation Center (TIM) in order to p ...
Prepared new Azerbaijani spelling rules in 69 itemsJan 15, 2018 | 11:54 / Important eventsThe Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi and the Spelling Commission of ANAS prepared the project "Azerbaijani Spelling Rules ". The project was discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS held on December 28, 2017. The draft regulations ...
The youngest doctor of sciences of ANAS awarded a diploma and a monetary rewardJan 15, 2018 | 10:15 / Important eventsChief technologist of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Ismail Ismayilov was awarded a certificate and a monetary reward in the amount of five thousand manat, intended for young scientists who defended the ...
Started session examinations of the magistrates of ANASJan 08, 2018 | 14:55 / Important eventsSession exams of the magistrates of ANAS have started today. 1 magistrate participated in "Computer Engineering", 2 in "Computer Systems and Networks Software" and 1 in "Information Protection and Security" exams at the Institute of Information Techn ...