Coffret of Tar performerCoffret of Tar performerDec 17, 2020 | 10:21 / New publicationsEngrossing at least thousand years old of period, tar and its performing had grown up many skilled artists, and their charming performances were remained in the old chronicles. Rafael HUSEYNOV, Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literatur ...
A book that apperaed in the pages of a newspaperA book that apperaed in the pages of a newspaperDec 09, 2020 | 11:47 / New publicationsFrom the first days of the Second Karabakh War, like everyone else, I was pursuing with excitement what had happened on the frontline... Rafael HUSEYNOV, Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, Ac ...
The heavy burden of a simple issueThe heavy burden of a simple issueDec 01, 2020 | 21:18 / New publicationsYears will pass, chapters on our Great Patriotic War will be included in the history textbooks of Azerbaijani schools, and volumes of books will be written revealing the smallest details about our Tale War with the with the direction and judgment of ...
The sigh of the Albanian Temple and Quran brought from MeccaThe sigh of the Albanian Temple and Quran brought from MeccaNov 30, 2020 | 19:53 / New publicationsWhere does Karabakh start and end? In order to give a correct and complete answer to this question, it is not enough to know the borders of Karabakh. In fact, essentially, the size of Karabakh is much larger than the borders of Azerbaijan. Rafael HUS ...
Shusha wayShusha wayNov 21, 2020 | 22:24 / New publicationsCan a person be willing to sacrifice a lot of things in order to experience the joy of a moment, to be able to touch a stone or a tree, to witness an event? After the first shots of the Second Karabakh War, I ended my article, which I wrote on Septem ...
Page 95 will remain unwrittenPage 95 will remain unwrittenNov 20, 2020 | 14:21 / New publicationsAli Ildirimoghlu was a good writer, in his works he preserved many forgotten details of the people, life and behavior of the country, how many masculine faces of the Azerbaijani people, subtle shades of morality, inner world, spiritual world, percuss ...
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