Museum hosted for a scientific session dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Abdurrahim bey HagverdiyevMuseum hosted for a scientific session dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Abdurrahim bey HagverdiyevDec 08, 2020 | 18:09 / Conferences, assembliesThe 150th anniversary of Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev, a prominent representative of Azerbaijani literature, great playwright, prose writer, publicist and theater organizer, was celebrated with a scientific session at the National Museum of Azerbaijan ...
Employees of the Nizami Museum attended in an international symposium dedicated to the Year of Bilge TonyukukEmployees of the Nizami Museum attended in an international symposium dedicated to the Year of Bilge TonyukukDec 05, 2020 | 22:03 / Conferences, assembliesAn international symposium dubbed "Turkic Culture, Art and Preservation of Cultural Heritage" dedicated to the Year of Bilge Tonyukuk, organized by Selcuk University and Aydin Adnan Menderes University in Konya, Turkey, kicked off on December 2. Scie ...
The memory of the martyrs of the Patriotic War was commemorated with a minute of silenceThe memory of the martyrs of the Patriotic War was commemorated with a minute of silenceDec 04, 2020 | 14:59 / Important eventsToday is a special day of remembrance dedicated to the memory of those martyred in the 44-day war. The icon of the Day of Remembrance is "Khari Bulbul", the symbol of Shusha. The memory of our martyrs was commemorated with deep respect and esteem in ...
Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the establishment of Victory Day in the Republic of AzerbaijanOrder of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the establishment of Victory Day in the Republic of AzerbaijanDec 03, 2020 | 14:55 / Official documentsIn the late 80s and early 90s of the twentieth century, Armenia openly made territorial claims to the historical lands of Azerbaijan and launched a military aggression against our country. At that time, Armenia, taking advantage of the chaos in Azerb ...
Proud endingProud endingDec 02, 2020 | 21:34 / Interviews, speechesThe peak of our victory is Shusha! Even after the victory of Shusha, the enemy surrendered. In fact, the battle of Shusha is both the last battle of Agdam, the last battle of Kalbajar and the last battle of Lachin. How many brave people died in the b ...
The heavy burden of a simple issueThe heavy burden of a simple issueDec 01, 2020 | 21:18 / New publicationsYears will pass, chapters on our Great Patriotic War will be included in the history textbooks of Azerbaijani schools, and volumes of books will be written revealing the smallest details about our Tale War with the with the direction and judgment of ...
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