Shusha wayNov 21, 2020 | 22:24 / New publicationsCan a person be willing to sacrifice a lot of things in order to experience the joy of a moment, to be able to touch a stone or a tree, to witness an event? After the first shots of the Second Karabakh War, I ended my article, which I wrote on Septem ...
Page 95 will remain unwrittenNov 20, 2020 | 14:21 / New publicationsAli Ildirimoghlu was a good writer, in his works he preserved many forgotten details of the people, life and behavior of the country, how many masculine faces of the Azerbaijani people, subtle shades of morality, inner world, spiritual world, percuss ...
The architect of victoryNov 18, 2020 | 21:51 / New publicationsIn the streets and squares of Baku, all over Azerbaijan, our national flag was as proud as on November 8, 9, 10, three days of November 2020, happily, as a sea of common joy of the nation since 1918. the day was so full of excitement... Rafael HUSEYN ...
Struggle with insidious masksNov 17, 2020 | 15:26 / New publicationsThe year 2020, which is approaching its end and will soon be in the past, has one feature that sets it apart from the previous ones. The whole world from beginning to end accompanies and most likely ends this year in a mask. The mask that is worn all ...
Extremely expensiveNov 11, 2020 | 14:36 / New publicationsShusha has always been dear to all Azerbaijanis. In fact, each of our cities has its own beauty, appeal and charm, a story that makes you think. We also love Ardabil, Maragha is also dear, Zanjan, Khoy and Marand are always in our hearts. But the pla ...
November 10 - World Science Day for Peace and DevelopmentNov 10, 2020 | 11:55 / Interesting informationWorld Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated annually on November 10. The purpose of celebrating this day is to highlight the role of science in society and the importance of public participation in the discussion of scientific issues, a ...