People's Artist Tofig Ismailov's 80th anniversary night heldApr 23, 2019 | 10:20 / Conferences, assembliesOrganized by the AR Ministry of Culture, International Mugam Center held an anniversary evening of a famous film director, writer and teacher Tofig Ismailov's 80th anniversary. Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature, academician Ra ...
An open lesson on "Nasimi Year" in the eyes of children”Apr 18, 2019 | 17:19 / Important eventsAn open lesson was held at the Aran regional branch of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi on the theme "Nasimi Year” in the Eyes of Children" for elementary school pupils of Kurdamir city secondary school # 2. Initiall ...
The oath of the presidentApr 18, 2019 | 10:48 / New publications"As President of Azerbaijan, I will try to make every citizen, every person benefit from these great projects and development in Azerbaijan. It is my duty, my debt. I will fulfill this task with dignity. " A year ago, today's day - on April 18, 2018, ...
Scientific-practical conference titled "Power of Nasimi’s word " in KurdamirApr 15, 2019 | 10:31 / Conferences, assembliesAran regional branch of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi, together with the Kurdamir Regional Culture Office and the Department of Education, held a scientific-practical conference entitled "Power of Nasimi’s word". ...