Academician Akif Alizadeh is 85thAcademician Akif Alizadeh is 85thFeb 25, 2019 | 10:56 / JubileesPresident of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, a reformer of science and education, a prominent public figure, a prominent geologist, academician Akif Alizadeh on February 25, 2019 is 85th.  In 1956 Akif Alizadeh began his work at the Inst ...
Students will practice at the National Azerbaijan Literature MuseumStudents will practice at the National Azerbaijan Literature MuseumFeb 25, 2019 | 10:51 / Interesting informationIn accordance with the principles of the Law on Science in our country, joint cooperation and exchange of experience with higher education institutions and ANAS are successfully continued today. The students of the Baku Slavic University and Baku Sta ...
Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Hajibaba HuseynovOrder of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Hajibaba HuseynovFeb 22, 2019 | 16:11 / Official documentsIn March 2019, the 100th anniversary of the prominent representative of the Azerbaijan musical art, well-known educator, People's Artist of the Republic Hajibaba Huseynali oglu Huseynov will be completed... ...
The winners of the gazal contest devoted to NasimiThe winners of the gazal contest devoted to NasimiFeb 22, 2019 | 10:42 / Interesting informationAran Regional Culture Branch of National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi announced gazal contest devoted to Nasimi according to President Ilham Aliyev's Decree, "Nasimi Year". The event was attended by Head of the Aran regional ...
A meeting on the improvement of the scientific publications of ANAS was heldA meeting on the improvement of the scientific publications of ANAS was heldFeb 19, 2019 | 15:43 / New publicationsAn meeting of the Scientific Publishing Council of ANAS was held on February 19 in the main building of the academy. The meeting discussed the measures to be taken to implement the Decree of the Presidium on December 14, 2018 "On monitoring of scient ...
Agency “Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters)” held an educational seminarAgency “Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters)” held an educational seminarFeb 19, 2019 | 10:20 / Conferences, assembliesANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature held an international seminar on "Improving the usage of the Web of Science Information Platform" by “Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters)” on February 14. Expert of the agency Valeriya Kurmakayeva deliv ...
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