Textbook for High Schools: "Ancient and Medieval Azerbaijani Literature"Jul 23, 2018 | 09:46 / New publicationsThe textbook entitled "Ancient and Medieval Azerbaijani Literature" by Faig Aliev, dissertator of National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, has been published. Scientific editor is Academician Nizami Jafarov, reviewers are ...
Central Scientific Library awarded media representatives with the National Press DayJul 19, 2018 | 10:52 / Important eventsOn July 18, ANAS Central Scientific Library hosted an event titled "In the light of ADR-100: Contribution of CSL to the National Press Information Bloc". The event, which was attended by media representatives, intellectuals and public figures, was de ...
A number of important decisions were made at the Presidium's meetingJul 16, 2018 | 11:12 / Conferences, assembliesThe next meeting of Presidium of ANAS was held on July 11. Academician Akif Alizadeh, President of ANAS, informed the participants about the agenda. The action plan on the 100th anniversary of Baku State University was discussed at the event., said t ...
The graduation day of masters of ANAS has been heldJul 10, 2018 | 11:18 / Important eventsOn July 10, the graduation day of masters of ANAS has been held. Opening the event with participation of well-known scientists and educators, President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh congratulated post graduates on this remarkable day and wished ...