Discussed high level organization of III International Science Festival at the ANASMay 02, 2018 | 16:33 / Conferences, assembliesThe 3rd International Science Festival will be held in Baku on October 9-24, 2018. The festival is organized by the initiative of ANAS and supported by UNESCO, Baku City Executive Power, Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of ...
Outstanding ophthalmologist Zarifa Aliyeva has been comemorized at ANASApr 30, 2018 | 13:45 / Conferences, assembliesAn event dedicated to the 95th anniversary of outstanding ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was held in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS on April 30. Presidet of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, academician Akif Alizade ...
April 26 was the "Reading Day"Apr 27, 2018 | 11:50 / Interesting informationHeydar Aliyev Center, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, ANAS and the partnership "Hədəf Nəşrləri" held “Reading Day” on April 26. The goal is to increase the interest in reading, as well as the development of reading skills among adolescent ...
Scientific Council on Philology held wide discussions on thesesApr 22, 2018 | 10:53 / Conferences, assembliesThe 4th meeting of the Scientific Council on Problems of Philology of the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held. At a meeting chaired by the director of ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature, academi ...
Division of Humanitarian Sciences discussed the dissertation issues for the 2017-2018 academic yearApr 20, 2018 | 15:54 / Conferences, assembliesANAS Division of Humanitarian Sciences held next meeting on April 20. Members of the department, heads of relevant scientific institutions, scientific secretaries and co-workers took part in the event. Academician-Secretary of Division, Academician T ...