In accordance with the Decree of ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh dated January 23, 2017, ANAS will organize a competition "Magistrate of 2017".
The main goal of the competition is an even greater improvement in learning of Magistracy degree of ANAS, supporting scientific advances and increase creativity of undergraduates, promotion of talented young people, have shown good results in education and research activities are characterized by their intelligence and abilities.
The competition will be attended by students enrolled in the first and second of ANAS of Magistracy courses. As a result, three undergraduates will be awarded for each course, which showed the best results. Each of the winners will be awarded a diploma and a corresponding cash prize:
I place - 1,500 AZN;
II place - 1,000 AZN;
III place - 500 AZN.
Magistrate who willing to attend the competition should fulfill Application Form in a relevant form (applications must be approved by scientific secretary or head of the education department of the certain institute), and submit to the Magistrate Department of Science and Education Office of ANAS joint with the letter by institute's director until April 15, 2017.
Attention! Participant applications should be fulfilled with Arial font size 12, spacing 1. In the absence of proper information the relevant sections are left blank. Applications should be submitted in e-form (memory disk) or on paper.
Address: AZ1143, Baku city, H. Javid ave., 31, Academy Campus;
Contacts: (+994 12) 537 23 97;
E-mail: (in the e-mail subject should be noted “for the competition Magistrate-2017”).
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