Announced results of the 4th joint grant competition "My First Grant" by young scientists and specialists carried out by the Foundation for the Development of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Youth and Sport. The competition was held in accordance with the priorities of the development of science in the country, taking into account the provisions of the protocol signed between the two institutions on May 22, 2017.
Announced on May 25, 2017 competition received 34 projects in all fields of science and types of grants. Permanent experts of the Science Development Fund, local and foreign independent scientific experts were involved in the examination of projects. For the first time, young scientists and specialists presented grant projects on-line through the e-grant management system of e-Grant grant projects. The results were discussed in the Joint Commission of the Foundation for the Development of Science and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
The total amount of funding for the "My first grant" contest, won by 19 people is 600,000 manat.
Winning projects for the 4th project of grants of young scientists and specialists will be realized at the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, the Institute of Radiation Problems, the Institute of Petrochemical Problems, the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, the Institute of Oil and Gas, the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology , The Institute of Literature, the Institute of Bioresources of the Nakhchivan Division of ANAS, the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, the Baku Slavic University, the National the Oncology Center of the Ministry of Health, the Union of Student-Youth Organizations of Azerbaijan, the Public Association "Youth Tourism" and the Scientific Association of Azerbaijan.
17 of the winning projects are fundamentally applied. Within the framework of the first project, the first international school seminar on "Oil and Geology" and an international conference of young scientists and specialists dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic will be organized on the theme "The role of sustainable health tourism in the country's economy". 3 projects were awarded in physics and mathematics and engineering sciences, 3 projects for the science of land, 4 for chemical sciences, 3 for biological, medical and agrarian sciences, 6 for humanities and social studies.
The results of the competition can be found at
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