Academician Teymur Karimli visited LithuaniaMar 13, 2017 | 12:45 / MeetingsAcademician-secretary of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences, Academician Teymur Karimov paid a working visit to Lithuania on March 9-12. On March 9, at a meeting with the President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Valdemaras Razumas and ...
Scientists’ House held a meeting with Academician Kamal AbdullayevFeb 03, 2017 | 17:22 / MeetingsOn February 3, by the organization of ANAS Scientists’ House of Central Scietific Library was held a meeting with the State Advisor of the Azerbaijan Republic on the ethnic, multiculturalism and religious issues, Doctor of philological sciences, writ ...
ANAS held a meeting with a Nobel WinnerSep 28, 2016 | 13:36 / MeetingsOn September 28, Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANASheld a meeting with Nobel Prize Winner Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka. In advance, Vice-President of ANAS director of the institute Academician Isa Habibbeyli greeted the guest ...
Writer-publicist Alisafa Azayev met with readers from KurdamirJun 17, 2016 | 15:34 / MeetingsSupported by Kurdamir region Executive Power and organized by Aran department of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi, a member of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union, writer-publicist Alisafa Azayev held a meeting with readers fr ...