Academician Teymur Karimli visited LithuaniaAcademician Teymur Karimli visited LithuaniaMar 13, 2017 | 12:45 / MeetingsAcademician-secretary of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences, Academician Teymur Karimov paid a working visit to Lithuania on March 9-12. On March 9, at a meeting with the President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Valdemaras Razumas and ...
Scientists’ House held a meeting with Academician Kamal AbdullayevScientists’ House held a meeting with Academician Kamal AbdullayevFeb 03, 2017 | 17:22 / MeetingsOn February 3, by the organization of ANAS Scientists’ House of Central Scietific Library was held a meeting with the State Advisor of the Azerbaijan Republic on the ethnic, multiculturalism and religious issues, Doctor of philological sciences, writ ...
ANAS held a meeting with a Nobel WinnerANAS held a meeting with a Nobel WinnerSep 28, 2016 | 13:36 / MeetingsOn September 28, Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANASheld a meeting with Nobel Prize Winner Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka. In advance, Vice-President of ANAS director of the institute Academician Isa Habibbeyli greeted the guest ...
National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature of ANAS donated three books of the Turkish soldiers, who served in Baku in 1917-1918National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature of ANAS donated three books of the Turkish soldiers, who served in Baku in 1917-1918Jul 18, 2016 | 16:00 / Meetings National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature of ANAS donated three books of the Turkish soldiers Ali oglu Ahmed, who arrived in Baku under the command of Nuru Pasha in 1917-1918. and served in the 12th Regiment of the Caucasian Islamic Army. Books “Şa ...
Writer-publicist Alisafa Azayev met with readers from KurdamirWriter-publicist Alisafa Azayev met with readers from KurdamirJun 17, 2016 | 15:34 / MeetingsSupported by Kurdamir region Executive Power and organized by Aran department of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi, a member of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union, writer-publicist Alisafa Azayev held a meeting with readers fr ...
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