A regular meeting of the Academic Council of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS took place. The 10 councilors gathered in the museum's conference room, and other members attended the meeting via videoconference.
The first item on the agenda of the meeting was related to the report on the work done in connection with the 80th anniversary of the museum and the discussion of the upcoming tasks.
The director of the museum, the chairman of the Academic Council, academician Rafael Huseynov brought to the attention that the preparation is being carried out successfully in accordance with the schedule. Books dedicated to the anniversary have already been published, and two series of full-length documentaries about the 80-year history of the museum have been shot. Films "Nizami's Greeting" and "Memory Bridge", which will be shown on the eve of the anniversary, were produced by Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting CJSC. In addition, a separate poster was released to mark the 80th anniversary of the museum.
Academician R. Huseynov noted that preparations are underway for an international scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the museum. The organizing committee received the texts of many reports from various scientific and educational institutions of Azerbaijan, as well as from a number of foreign countries: “Depending on the situation, it will be decided to hold a scientific meeting in person or via videoconferencing. In any case, the conference materials will be published by the end of the year.
Then organizational issues were discussed at the meeting of the Academic Council. Museum employee, Honored Artist Elchin Akhundov was admitted to the Academic Council.
Also honored was the memory of the late head of the Department of Decoration and Restoration of the museum, member of the academic council, Honored Artist of the Republic Stanislav Shatikov.
In conclusion, the council members voiced their views and proposals on the content of articles in the 19th issue of the research journal "Risala", which is being prepared for publication and is the main scientific publication of the museum.
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