Approved the new editorial board of the journal “Science and Life”Feb 17, 2020 | 12:24 / New publicationsWith the goal of lasting the publication of journal “Science and Life” due to rich traditions of the modern scientific and mass editions and in high qualified poliography, the editorial board of the journal has been changed. This decision was made at ...
“Elm” newspaper presents interesting articlesFeb 03, 2020 | 17:45 / New publicationsThe next edition of the “Elm” newspaper, which is the printing organ of the Presidium of ANAS, was published. On the first page of the newspaper, you can find articles on the meetings held in the Presidium of ANAS with the Minister of Labor and Socia ...
Scientific conference devoted to the results of "Year of Nasimi" in ANASJan 13, 2020 | 15:52 / New publicationsOn January 13, the conference hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS hosted for a conference dedicated to the results of the "Nasimi Year" organized by the Division of Humanities. In advance, the exhibition of Nasimi p ...
Presentation of a collection of books on the history, ethnography and folklore of GabalaJan 10, 2020 | 17:06 / New publicationsOn January 10, in the main building of ANAS, a presentation of the collection of books “The History of Gabala”, “Ethnography of Gabala” and “Folklore of Gabala” took place. Opening the event, first vice-president of ANAS academician Isa Habibbayli, s ...
Published book by academician Rafael Huseynov dubbed "Nashimi without space and time"Dec 30, 2019 | 13:46 / New publicationsThe book was published by the director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS academician Rafael Huseynov dubbed "Nashimi without space and time", dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the great poet and t ...
Presentation of the book “Nasimi: Life after Execution” took place at the Museum of LiteratureDec 30, 2019 | 13:31 / New publicationsOn December 30, National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature of ANAS named after Nizami Ganjavi has hosted for a presentation of the book “Nasimi: life after execution” by the Honored Scientist, Doctor of Philology, Professor Gazanfar Pashayev. The auth ...