The first issue of the research journal "Risale" has been publishedThe first issue of the research journal "Risale" has been publishedJul 24, 2019 | 11:46 / New publicationsThe first issue of the research journal "Risale" of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi has been published for 2019. Editor-in-chief of the journal is the director of the museum, academician Rafael Huseynov. This i ...
Life devoted to scienceLife devoted to scienceJul 09, 2019 | 13:52 / New publications"It seems to me that I'm a happy person. Because I was born in a family that taught us the love and simplicity of people". - The author of these words is a well-known orientalist, professor Shafag Alibeyli. The scientist recalls her adolescence: "Now ...
Farewell to the MasterFarewell to the MasterJun 25, 2019 | 11:49 / New publicationsOn June 24, Shirmammad Huseynov, a prominent Azerbaijani scientist and researcher, laureate of Ali Media Award, Presidential scholarship, professor of Baku State University, died. Director of the National Azerbaijan Literature Museum, academician Raf ...
The eternal trip of Abbasgulu Aga Bakikhanov shipThe eternal trip of Abbasgulu Aga Bakikhanov shipJun 20, 2019 | 09:38 / New publicationsIt is difficult to give an exact answer to this question, and in fact it is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the questions “What can be happiness?” And “Who can be called“happy”with precision?” Academician Rafael Huseinov, Chairman of the C ...
"Typology of heroes in Oguzname epics" monograph published"Typology of heroes in Oguzname epics" monograph publishedJun 07, 2019 | 13:19 / New publications"Typology of heroes in Oguzname epics" monograph by Deputy Director of ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Doctor of Philology, Professor Hkatira Bashirli has been published. The work is a valuable epic source for the ...
Excerpts from the "Seven Beauties" poem by Nizami Ganjavi published in SlovakExcerpts from the "Seven Beauties" poem by Nizami Ganjavi published in SlovakApr 30, 2019 | 11:44 / New publicationsSeparate fragments from the poem “Seven Beauties” by Nizami Ganjevi translated into Slovak and published in Bratislava. The poet's invaluable poetry was translated into Slovak by Lubomir Feldek. The publication includes miniatures of the middle Ages, ...
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