November 10 is the World Science DayNov 10, 2017 | 12:16 / Interesting informationWorld Science Day was established by the UNESCO. In 2001, the 31st session of the UNESCO General Conference called November 10 as "World Science Day for Peace and Development." For the first time since 2002, November 10 is celebrated worldwide every ...
Held the next meeting of the Language Commission of ANASNov 09, 2017 | 13:30 / Conferences, assembliesThe next meeting of the Language Committee of ANAS was held in the Electronic Act Hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi. Opening the event, vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayliinformed about the speech of the 70 ...
The pupils have excursions to the Aran regional branch of the National Azerbaijan Literature MuseumNov 07, 2017 | 17:26 / Guests of the museumPupils of secondary school # 1 of Kurdamir city had an excursion to Aran regional branch of ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi. During the meeting with the head of the branch, PhD on philology Yagut Bahadurkizi, the g ...