"Turkic Language Studies" collection to be published"Turkic Language Studies" collection to be publishedMar 15, 2019 | 10:42 / Conferences, assembliesOn March 14, the next meeting of the Humanitarian Sciences Division of ANAS was held. Opening the event, vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayliinformed the participants about the agenda issues. Initially President's decree on the jubilees ...
Celebrated People's writer Ismayil Shikhli's 100th anniversaryCelebrated People's writer Ismayil Shikhli's 100th anniversaryMar 15, 2019 | 10:40 / Conferences, assembliesAran regional branch of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N.Ganjavi jointly with the Central Library of Kurdamir held an event dedicated to the 100th jubilee of prominent Azerbaijani literature specialist, talented poet, well-k ...
ANAS Presidium held the next meetingANAS Presidium held the next meetingMar 06, 2019 | 11:50 / Conferences, assembliesANAS Presidium held the next meeting on March 6. Opening the event, ANAS President, academician Akif Alizadeh acquainted the participants with the issues on the agenda. He said that, the meeting is dedicated to the activities of the great representat ...
A report on the ideology of Azerbaijanism in the works of Samad Vurgun deliveredA report on the ideology of Azerbaijanism in the works of Samad Vurgun deliveredMar 06, 2019 | 11:45 / Conferences, assembliesAt the meeting of ANAS Presidium, Academician-Secretary of ANAS Division of Humanitarian Sciences, academician Teymur Karimli delivered a scientific paper on "Ideology of Azerbaijanism in the works of Samad Vurgun" on March 6. Academician said that, ...
Nasimi’s right to be called- “I’m mughamat”Nasimi’s right to be called- “I’m mughamat”Mar 05, 2019 | 11:41 / New publicationsThroughout his life, he sincerely loved those whom he considered close to him. Understanding, feeling, fully recognizing them. But there is one more beauty, the love for which Nasimi continued throughout his life, never changed, the flame of which ne ...
The rich heritage of prominent writer Jafar Jabbarli has been discussedThe rich heritage of prominent writer Jafar Jabbarli has been discussedMar 01, 2019 | 12:26 / Conferences, assembliesAran regional branch of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS hosted an event dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the prominent representative of Azerbaijani literature, a great poet, writer and playwright ...
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