May 3 - World Press Freedom DayMay 03, 2019 | 19:59 / Interesting informationEvery year, May 3 is celebrated as the International Day of Journalists in the world - World Press Freedom Day. The main principles of freedom of speech and press, the independence of the press, the role of the press in protecting human rights and fr ...
Annual General Meeting of ANASMay 01, 2019 | 20:03 / Conferences, assembliesThe Annual General Meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held on May 1. Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Presi ...
Academician Rasim Alguliyev elected as ANAS Vice-PresidentMay 01, 2019 | 20:01 / Important eventsAt ANAS general meeting was held election for the post of ANAS Vice-President on May 1. As a result of the secret ballot held among 58 Academy active members academician Rasim Alguliyev was elected as ANAS Vice-President. And as a result of an open v ...
Excerpts from the "Seven Beauties" poem by Nizami Ganjavi published in SlovakApr 30, 2019 | 11:44 / New publicationsSeparate fragments from the poem “Seven Beauties” by Nizami Ganjevi translated into Slovak and published in Bratislava. The poet's invaluable poetry was translated into Slovak by Lubomir Feldek. The publication includes miniatures of the middle Ages, ...
ANAS established awards on behalf of Azerbaijan’s notable scientistsApr 24, 2019 | 11:52 / Important eventsOn April 24, at the meeting of ANAS Presidium was considered the issue on establishing of ANAS awards on behalf of Azerbaijan’s notable scientists. In order to encourage scientists who contributed to the development of science, and gained most import ...
Discussed 27 dissertation topics at the meeting of the Scientific Council on Philology ProblemsApr 23, 2019 | 10:21 / Conferences, assembliesScientific Council on Philological Problems held the next meeting under the chairmanship of academician Rafael Huseynov at ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature after Nizami Ganjavi. Chairman of the board, academician Rafael Huseynov presente ...